STC is Here To Help You Find Your Way!
Smart Teacher Certification has helped many uncertified educators or aspiring teachers gain the credentials they need to teach at a Florida school. These licensing rules continue to create an obstacle for many prospective educators. The good news is that we now have a certification map for immigrant educators who want to teach in the United States.
Want Certified Teachers? Be Intentional
By: Karen Satchell-Simpson
HELP! Broward County is in desperate need of qualified teachers. The Broward County teacher shortage has reached a crisis stage. The public education system continues to suffer from teacher shortage as school administrators scramble to retain highly qualified educators. Industry experts suggest that the problem is that no one wants to teach anymore and it’s a tough job that not everyone can handle. As school administrators in Broward County brace for a challenging year the school district tries to attract potential candidates by offering sign-on bonuses and stipends for teachers who choose to teach extra classes. This solution is obviously inadequate and not sustainable. According to the US department of Education, Title 2 report, there are a third fewer students enrolled in teacher preparation program in 2018 when compared to 2010. Additionally, the report also revealed that Black and African American enrollment in teacher preparation declined in most states. The reality is that the vacancies in our schools may persist because teacher salaries are currently too low to meet demand. It is an unavoidable fact that interest in the teaching profession has waned.
"Career Change Has Never Felt So Good!" By Shaunette
Smart Teacher Cert has helped with my certification by assisting me with applying to the Florida Department of Education and completing the necessary documentation required. They have followed up with me to ensure everything was on track and offered advice on what could be done while waiting for a response. They are absolutely the BEST where certification is concerned.
"Help To The Rescue"
By Carol
Smart Teacher Cert has helped with my certification by assisting me with adding additional subjects to my professional license. They followed up with me to ensure everything was on track and offered advice on what could be done while waiting for a response. They are the BEST where certification is concerned.
Certification Help Line
By: Oniela
Smart Teacher Certification provides valuable feedback on the process of obtaining certification. Karen exhibits exceptional proficiency in her field of expertise. She inspired her colleagues to pursue a career in Education. I highly recommend Smart Teacher Certification for your certification HELP.
Certification HELP!
By: Omari
Smart Teacher Certification is an engaging website where Caribbean educators can thrive. I strongly recommend this website to Caribbean educators who are serious about being certified in the state of Florida. You will never regret it!
Certification Lifeline!
As an immigrant teacher from the Caribbean, we needed assistance in matriculating to teach in Florida. Ms. Satchell is adept in certification and was selfless in ensuring that we met the state-stipulated requirements to teach in Florida. We are now certified. Woot Woot! Go check out this website.